Significance of Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery for Businesses
Business continuity and disaster recovery or BCDR is a set of processes carried out by organizations to recover from a disaster and continue with their routine business operations. It combines the roles and functionality of IT and business after a disaster. Most organizations have an effective business continuity and disaster recovery plan in place to deal with sudden natural or man-made disasters. It comprises two different components, business continuity, and disaster recovery. Business continuity involves creating procedures ensuring that essential business processes are available during and after a disaster. It includes staff replacement, service availability issues, and analysis of the business impact and change management. Disaster recovery is a process that defines how the IT department of the company will recover after a natural or man-made disaster. It includes processes like server and network restoration, provisioning backup systems, and copying backup data.

Why is Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Required?

Business continuity is processes that organizations should implement to ensure that vital functions continue during and after a disaster whereas disaster recovery is specific steps that an organization should take after the incident to resume operations after a disaster. Hence it can be said that business continuity focuses on the organization and disaster recovery focuses on the technology infrastructure. The significance of the business continuity plan is often underestimated by organizations and is simply not noticed until some disasters strike but then it is too late. To avoid this, business continuity and disaster plans are devised to bring processes back to normal after the catastrophe. While planning for a contingency, businesses should first have clarity about the disaster. Some of the popular reasons why business continuity and disaster recovery are important to include:
Data is not protected under insurance
In recent times cyberattacks are becoming successful and study reveals that it takes months or longer to discover data breaches. Besides insurance doesn't restore data that is lost due to data center or backup loss. Usually, insurance does not cover all the disaster damages because it simply covers the cost of the repair but has little or no effect on loss of revenue and on business prospects while downtime.
Gain Competitive Edge
Businesses will certainly gain a big advantage over their competitors if they are able to quickly restore their normal operations after a disaster while their competitors are still making effort to figure things out. Restoring access to business data and reconnecting employees to communicate and provide support to customers will allow organizations to have an edge over others.
Backups are not just enough
Organizations deploy business continuity and disaster recovery plan making use of cloud technologies and virtual servers that allow them to run critical business applications from backup on virtual servers in the cloud, thereby keeping their downtime to a minimum. This is important because accessing data in case of an outage or disaster is a problem.
Recover from a Disaster
Disaster is something that disrupts normal business operations and usually includes earthquakes, wildfires, fires in offices, floods, hurricanes, power outages, disease outbreaks and pandemics, theft, vandalism, cyber-attacks, software issues, data center disaster, and threats to data safety and integrity. Organizations can recover from a disaster by having a business continuity plan in place that will help them to minimize the impact and damage of a disaster. Recovery from a disaster is vital for the restoration of business operations because by keeping them prepared organizations may not prevent the disaster but they will be successful in mitigating its impact on their businesses.
Businesses need to go on
Businesses that lose their ability to buy and sell simply stop functioning hence continuing business is vital. This is made possible with a business continuity plan, as it establishes actions that need to be taken by organizations to make operations remain active, irrespective of the nature of the disaster. Some of such actions include having a backup server to rely upon in case of a server failure and allowing employees to work remotely if an office becomes inaccessible due to any reason.
Why Business Continuity Plan is Important?
Business continuity and disaster recovery plan are like insurance policies for the organization. This plan is important because it allows organizations to tackle serious disruption of business operations and help them get rid of common disasters by devising a clear plan of action for everyone. Besides, business continuity and disaster recovery plan also result in:
- Minimizing the effects of the outage on business operations and allowing organizations to get back on their feet after the disaster.
- Reducing the risk of data loss and reputational harm and enhancing operations while reducing emergencies chance.
- Builds confidence among customers as well as employees.
- Reducing overall risk for organizations and helping them respond adequately and quickly resume operations after a disruption.
- Minimizing the downtime as well as the disruption cost for the organizations and ensuring compliance with industry standards.

Why TechyBex for Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Services
As responsible curators of your organization’s cloud and database-managed services, businesses need to have an effective business continuity and disaster recovery plan for unforeseen events and outrages that result in an interruption of services. These events are of diverse nature therefore, organizations should have a business continuity and disaster recovery plan aligned to the size and scale of each type of outrage. TechyBex is known for its expertise in business continuity and disaster recovery services, as we have helped several organizations set up business continuity plans. Organizations have greatly benefitted from our thorough business continuity plan in case of natural or man-made disasters. We have consistently met and exceeded our client’s expectations with:

- 72% more frequent data backups
- 85% reduction in downtime
- 78% fewer unplanned outages
- 67% faster resolution of unplanned outages
Our Services
15+ Years of Experience in Database and Cloud Services
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